education agent training

NZ to improve education agent training

  [news_bar style="2" color="#004a80" feature_font_color="#ffffff" feature_text="Update" feature_url="" feature_width="auto" feature_position="left" main_background="#f2f2f2" main_font_color="#444444" main_text="Nov%202018%20-%20ENZ%20says%20the%20new%20training%20won't%20be%20available%20until%20December%202018."][/news_bar] Education New Zealand will launch a revised online education agent training program in November 2018. According to ENZ's Manager – Agents,
education trafficking

Rage against Education Trafficking

The team of young journalists at Malaysia-based R.AGE are continuing their excellent investigation into education trafficking. Their focus is on the practice of dodgy Bangladeshi education agents swindling students out of