education agent training

NZ to improve education agent training

  [news_bar style="2" color="#004a80" feature_font_color="#ffffff" feature_text="Update" feature_url="" feature_width="auto" feature_position="left" main_background="#f2f2f2" main_font_color="#444444" main_text="Nov%202018%20-%20ENZ%20says%20the%20new%20training%20won't%20be%20available%20until%20December%202018."][/news_bar] Education New Zealand will launch a revised online education agent training program in November 2018. According to ENZ's Manager – Agents,
education trafficking

Rage against Education Trafficking

The team of young journalists at Malaysia-based R.AGE are continuing their excellent investigation into education trafficking. Their focus is on the practice of dodgy Bangladeshi education agents swindling students out of
education agent alert

UK: BBC exposes education agent scandal

The BBC's investigative current affairs documentary program, Panorama, has blown the lid off serious fraud by dishonest education agents who are ripping of the UK's student loans system. The investigation ran