Education agents play an important role in the international education market. Each year agents are responsible for recruiting a significant number of international students for educational institutions across the globe. The bubble chart below shows the big role education agents play in some of the main English-speaking destination markets.

Proportion of international students recruited by education agents each year

Designing and implementing an effective education agent strategy can be an important factor in reaching your international student recruitment goals. Getting it right is challenging. The potential benefits are significant, but so are the risks.

AgentBee helps educational institutions to recruit international students effectively and ethically through education agents by supporting them to implement education agent management best practice.

We’ve written quite a bit on the issue of education agent management since we started. We decided to pull those posts together to provide a resource for institutions that are considering working with agents, or those who are already working with agents but want to improve their approach and return on investment of time and resources.

(Note: We have set up the links so that they will open in new a new tab. It should make it easier to review the posts below and then come back to this post.)

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Photo by Headway on Unsplash